Our New Direction

Minthena has endless
possibilities for extending
its brand offering.


Through events, education, products, and services Minthena can grow and continue
on its mission for years to come.


Healing Centers

Life hurdles change throughout the course of time. Offering a safe place that women can access mental therapy sessions in a one-on-one or group setting is important. Welcoming all women, in any stage of their life who are looking to better their mental health is a realm we can extend our brand into.


Minthena Leaders

Minthena Girls’ Club can provide a safe haven for young women to gather and learn the fundamentals of becoming leaders in their community with strong female role-models to guide them on their journey.


Future Career Centers

For women who are looking to better their situation and are searching for a job to assist them in obtaining this goal, Minthena can provide the best direction based on their current skillset and future goals.
Minthena has the potential to partner with brands, such as Dress For Success, to provide affordable business attire to assist women during their interviewing process.